11 minutes –
It feels so good after reading this book!

The story has a feel-good factor to it. If you have experienced the emotion of love (at least once) in your life span, this book will touch your soul!
We are so lucky to have experienced something so divine.
The novel builds a beautiful story to define the real purpose of sex and love. Paolo Coelho is successful in ensuring that the readers understand how sacred they are.
It pulls you away from the hectic work schedule and life stress to a younger age when feelings and emotions superseded practicality.
Some learnings I collected during my journey with the book.
Ask questions and answer questions without worrying about what the world would think.
”Considering the way the world is, one happy day is a miracle” – so just embrace it when you get one.
Sometimes there is nothing to lose. Just the way, there is time to weep and time to laugh. You also need to understand that there is time to embrace and time to refrain from embracing.
Credits: #11minutes @Paulocoelho