This year, I turned 30. I have completed three decades of living. It’s a long time – to measure I have completed 1564 weeks or 10,9560 days.
Today, when we think of growth, success, accomplishments, and also downfalls, failures, disappointments, etc., we often forget where we started from. We feel low when if we go off-track on our goals. We often forget life has taught us a lot. And we had come far from where we were when we got started.
I feel when we take some time to step back and reflect on the number of things we have survived, learned, and established, we will soon realize that the problems we deal with today are manageable. They will also be short-lived like all the others we have already faced – Problems are temporary. In the next 5 or 10 years, or even sooner, when we look back at our current life struggles, we will laugh at it. We will realize it was slight turbulence and not a dead-end in our beautiful life. And one thing I am most certain of is we will survive it and march forward.
This year, on my 30th birthday, I am gifting myself a reflection on the wealth of my learnings, survivals, struggles, and joyful experiences. It has been a roller coaster, but I would get on this ride over and over again. And, I am sure the next 30 will be equally thrilling. By sharing this article, I hope it gives my readers a different perspective to deal with any current or future life challenges.
I promise to myself, I will lead the journey on my terms, with a smile on my face. And for all the challenges that I face, I will be open to learn and adapt to them. I will make most of every moment of my precious life. And focus on doing good to everyone on this planet earth (Humans, animals, plants, and beyond). And, at any point I feel low, I will gather myself and reflect on the incredible journey I have had so far.

I hope you liked this article. I hope you like the idea of reflecting on your own life. I want to encourage you to do the same for yourself and share your experience with me. If you have any questions on any of my listed experiences, please reach out. Each one of them is a beautiful story to share.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your adoption of this idea.
Ananya Jain
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